Saturday, December 21, 2019

basic bitch

i think i used to write for myself. if you go back far enough you can find a lot of shit that i'm not particularly proud of. i wrote nonsense to fill word counts, i dumped thoughts to give myself a mild sense of catharsis, and i wrote for attention. look at me, i can write blog posts! look at my great typing test scores! i'm so cool! i was such a basic bitch lmao

the years have changed me.

nowadays i write with others in mind. how will others perceive me? how will they feel when they look at my words? will they get any value from my reading? do i still write in an overly dramatic tone? is that just my blogging style? are my posts concise enough that people stay engaged and don't skim over everything?

nowadays i write under more constraints. how can i find enough space and time in my life to reflect on myself? how is writing this going to benefit other parts of my life? what state of mind is optimal to write in, and how should i achieve that state of mind?

nowadays i write for myself. as always, i guess. blogging is such a selfish venture when you don't have an audience.

i'm still a basic bitch.

1 comment:

  1. Back in the day we blogged to talk to each other and it didn't have to be perfect. Nowadays it won't be to talk to each other because the readers are scattered. Writing for yourself in a journal-like way benefits yourself but is distinct from "selfish" which would be as if you were taking from others or something.

    If you're a fulfilled basic bitch you're winning
